Yep, we’re back. We know it’s been over a year, but don’t act like you actually missed us. Life, the world, and pinball has seen a lot of changes over the last year, so we try our best to get our feet back in the podcasting door and catch up. Please to enjoy our podcast offering!
After taking a little break to cope with some heavy life stuff (job changes, new business launches, travel, death of friends, brushes with suicidal urges, medical care, financial distress, family obligations, and all sorts of other joyful things), we’re back on the mics and we have a new show for you.
The Evel has landed…
Joe Zenkus has a new Pinball Popcorn for us, but we’re saving it for the next show, which will be a lot more lighthearted than this one. Thanks, Joe, we’re excited to roll that one out!
Look forward to talk on this episode of NWPAS, RMPS, Nitro Pinball, the end of the Evel travels, Chris Franchi, and quite a bit more!
Episode 125 arrives and we bring an old favorite segment from the past. Featured Five is back, and we discuss the act of putting the ball into play, usually known as plunging. Like any good Featured Five, we cheat the number a bit and give a few extra shoutouts.
Also, we’re looking for more ideas for show topics and Featured Five lists. Email us at if you have any ideas. On the next show, we’ll be discussing things that are great additions to game rooms that aren’t games themselves. Let us know what you’ve got.
Jessica is joined by Vinny from Netherworld Arcade to discuss the 2018 Brisbane Masters. Hear how the event is put on how why you should be jealous that you’re not there. And if you are there, well, that’s rad. It’s a quick show, but it’s a fun one. Check it out!
We’re back at the selection process for Mount Plungemore and we settle on two more inductees. We still need your help determining the 4th and final face, so go vote, right here:
Feel free to share the Mount Plungemore voting around with other pinball fans!
Also, June 2nd, at noon Eastern, registration opens up for WIPT, the Women’s International Pinball Tournament at Replay FX. Entries are capped at 64 and there will be a waitlist, so show up and register right at noon. You can register here:
Episode 121 is up! Jessica is back in Australia and we were able to work out a semi-great time to connect and talk some pinball. After some catching up, we make our first selection for the “Mount Rushmore of Pinball” project, and we might have even come up with a name for it. Thanks for all who voted!
Later this week we’ll be having a quick bonus episode, so check in to see what we have in store.
Episode 120 is here, and we’re probably delving into something regrettable. After a bit of talk about what we’ve been up to, news, and super on topic banter, we introduce our “Mount Rushmore of Pinball” project. We’re looking to poll the pinball community and find out which four people in pinball history would deserve to be immortalized by having their faces carved in rock. After that, we’ll not carve rock, but maybe a t-shirt!
Hey, we’re back! Jessica and Jeff have plenty to catch up on between Pincade 2018 and TPF 2018. We have plenty to go over in this show, but we just need to state that New Zealanders and Aussies are quite alright with us. Heaps of fun, those mates.
Hey, we’re back! Jessica and Jeff are joined this episode by Jimmy Nails. Jimmy joins us from Brisbane, Australia where he runs the Netherworld Bar and Arcade ( We discuss…
Pinball in Brisbane
Pinburgh Registration
Iron Maiden (?) at Texas Pinball Festival
Alice Cooper at TPF
Kingpin Remake at TPF
Support Mezel Mods!
Jessica’s upcoming pinball odyssey
What we’ve been doing in pinball, what’s coming up
Jessica and Jeff return after a longer period off than normal. While we were away, things went straight crazy, and we touch on that to get things started before delving into the uncertain history of Steve Kirk, and a few of the games he designed and possibly designed without proper credit. We’re looking for more information on Steve Kirk, including personal anecdotes. If you have anything to share, we’d love to discuss it.